![Cheryl Macklin holds tree, Arbor Day 2014](http://www.marpletreecommission.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Cheryl-Macklin-holds-tree-Arbor-Day-2014.jpg)
Cheryl Macklin, MTC Education Coordinator, holds Osage-Orange ‘White Shield’ in place for Rick Ray as he spreads soil around its roots.
MTC Plants Osage-Orange Tree to Honor Arbor Day 2014
Marple Township residents and officials gathered in Kent Park on April 25th to celebrate Arbor Day 2014. Diana Breen, MTC Vice-Chair in charge of the Arbor Day Celebration, opened the ceremony. “This is the eighth year that Marple Township has celebrated Arbor Day; it’s a beautiful day for this.” MTC Secretary, Liz Ball, read her favorite poem about trees, The Heart of the Tree by Henry Cuyler Bunner.
The significance and history of Arbor Day was recounted in a reading of the Arbor Day Proclamation. Jessica Salter, Service Forester for the PA Department of Conservation and Resources, then presented Marple Township with its eighth Arbor Day flag, which was accepted by Rick Ray, MTC Chair, and Mr. Fortebuono.
![Diana Breen, Arbor Day 2014](http://www.marpletreecommission.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Diana-Breen-Arbor-Day-2014.jpg)
Diana Breen, MTC Vice Chair in charge of the Arbor Day ceremony and Tree City certification, is pictured here with Jan Ceton, 2nd Ward Commissioner and Board liaison to the Marple Tree Commission.
Marianne Price read the names of 34 Tree Adopters who have faithfully watered 35 newly planted trees in Kent Park. She explained that most of the volunteers bring water from home. “Carrying water to the trees in Kent Park is particularly difficult because of the long distance between the parking area and the back of the park where the trees are planted.”