rees have an enormous economic, aesthetic and healthful influence on communities. The trees growing on both public and private property in Marple collectively constitute our community forest. This forest provides a protective leaf canopy that moderates climate, preserves soil, beautifies streets, parks and residential landscapes, and shelters both the people and wildlife that call Marple home.

  • The trees in our community forest provide net benefits to the township that are worth 2 to 3 times the cost of planting and caring for them over a thirty-year period.
  • Trees save taxpayers money by reducing township energy costs and stormwater treatment costs, amounting to many, many thousands of dollars each year.
  • A mature deciduous tree intercepts from 500 to 700 gallons of water from rainfall each year, reducing flooding and soil erosion in residential yards and parks.
  • Healthy, mature trees add about 10 percent to the value of a typical residential property.
  • A large, healthy shade tree has a cooling effect equivalent to ten room-sized air conditioners operating 20 hours a day.
  • Trees benefit the local economy because customers spend up to 20 percent more in stores with trees in front of them, than in stores without trees in front.
  • An average size tree “inhales” 26 pounds of CO2 and “exhales” enough oxygen to keep a family of four breathing for a year.
  • A 70 year old tree stores over three tons of carbon from the atmosphere during its lifetime.
  • A mature tree traps enough particle pollutants and absorbs enough CO2 per acre to equal the output of a passenger car driven 26,000 miles.
  • One acre of forest absorbs six tons of carbon dioxide and releases four tons of oxygen—enough to allow 18 people to breathe for a year.
  • Neighborhoods with lots of trees experience slower traffic speeds and fewer traffic accidents.
  • There are fewer incidents of violence and crime in neighborhoods with lots of mature, attractive trees.
  • Through their ability to reduce air pollution and beautify neighborhoods, business districts, parks and highways, trees are a powerful positive influence on the mental and physical health of our community.

 Some Data Courtesy of Davy Tree Co; Graphic courtesy of ISA

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